
Asset Selection Process

Our investment strategy at Doheny Asset Management is to construct diversified and well-balanced portfolios across various industries to reduce volatility and minimize risk.

We believe active management requires taking independent and often contrarian views of both companies and industries. We seek to outperform the equity benchmarks by identifying companies that become undervalued due to disparities between investor perception and actual underlying fundamentals.

Each investment idea is vetted using a rigorous and disciplined process. We review financial statements with a focus on identifying the normalized cash flows of the underlying business, as well as the industry dynamics and each company’s competitive position and prospects.

Focused. Disciplined.

As a focused, boutique-sized asset manager, we are not restricted with respect to size, style or geographic region when investing on behalf of our clients. Our size allows for a more streamlined and efficient investment decision-making process than larger investment advisors, which can often be overly bureaucratic.

In addition, our size and style flexibility allows us to not only expand the range of investable ideas for our clients, but also to take more meaningful positions in smaller capitalization companies when appropriate. Entering and exiting positions in less liquid securities is easier for us than larger firms due to the size differential as well.

Our clients capitalize on the opportunities our flexibility gives us, providing an advantage over other managers who focus exclusively on one equity style or strategy.